Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science (BBAW) - Leibniz Hall (Markgrafenstr. 38),13.3913281,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x47a851da480974d9:0x2ea8cdebd6e9eedb!8m2!3d52.513835!4d13.3935168?hl=de
Welcome and Greetings: BBAW-President: Prof. Dr. Martin Grötschel - Chair of the IFLA Section “Academic and Research Libraries”: Vicki Mc Donald (State Librarian and Chief Executive Officer - State Library of Queensland )
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science (BBAW) - Leibniz Hall 08
Discoveries and results of data driven research projects in the humanities
› Apollinaire-Marie Curie platform presentation,Labex OBVIL - Delphine Vernozy (Observatoire de la vie littéraire), Paule Desmouliere (Observatoire de la vie littéraire) and Krystelle Denis (Observatoire de la vie littéraire, metaLAB at Harvard)
11:00-11:30 (30min)
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science (BBAW) - Leibniz Hall 08
The tasks and the role of libraries and other institution of the cultural heritage - Greetings: President of LIBER: Kristiina Hormia-Poutanen (Director of Library Network Services - National Library of Finland ) - Chair: : Laurent Romary (INRIA - DARIAH)
› ARQUIGRAFIA: digital images in the collaborative environment on the Web - Artur Rozestraten (School of Architecture and Urbanism of University of Sao Paulo), Vania Mara Alves Lima (School of Communications and Arts of University of Sao Paulo) and Cibele de Araújo C Marques dos Santos (School of Communications and Arts of University of Sao Paulo)
14:30-15:00 (30min)